
Cat Portraits based on your photographs


What are the steps to get a commissioned portrait?

  1. To get the process started, please email me photos of your cat along with any special requests that you have.  My email address is artist@101catportraits.com

    Please send multiple photos if possible.

  2. Then, I will review the photos to see if they contain enough detail for me to envision your painting.  I will email you a preliminary sketch with notes about unique elements that I recommend for your painting. 

  3. We will be able to work together to determine the media you prefer (watercolor vs. acrylic), the size you would like to purchase and design details.

  4. When you are comfortable with the description of the project, you can post the standard 50% downpayment.  I will fully refund this downpayment if you decide to cancel before I begin the actual painting.  As I proceed, I will email you digital photos of the progress if I have questions, or the final piece if all goes smoothly. 

  5. You'll get to review the photo of the final piece, then you get a chance to make a limited number of final tweaks (the range depends on the medium).  I will send photos of the work as it is per your standard. 

  6. After you approve the final painting, then I will get a shipping price and let you know your shipping options.  I will include an invoice in the package unless you prefer to pay online.

Painting sizes and pricing are listed on the Purchase Info page.


Contact Info

Liz Marshall

101 Cat Portraits

6830 NE Bothell Way

Suite C #338

Kenmore, WA   98028


Email: artist@101catportraits.com